The VSC opens the squelch only when a modulated signal is detected and ignores unmodulated beat noise. This superior scanning power allows the utmost efficiency when searching over 1300MHz of spectrum!
The R6 can scan* 100 channels per second high speed. The following terms were also used when searching for IC-R6 Mods - Icom: icom ic r6 scanner icom ic-r6 communications receivers icom ic-r6 communications. Use the bank link scan feature to choose from and connect any of the 22 memory banks. With 1300 alphanumeric memory channels, 50 scan edges and 200 auto write memories, the R6 gives you flexible scanning.
Amateur stations, AM, FM, short wave broadcasts, TV audio* and a variety of utility communications can be caught and listened to. While the R6 receives an ultra wideband frequency range, the radio provides superior sensitivity and receiver characteristics, which are insusceptible to interference. Additionally, the IC-R20 offers multiple scanning controls such as scan delay, scan. 26 banks) as well as link multiple banks for customized memory bank scanning. Radio Receiver ICOM IC-R6 (8.33kHz) The power of listening to the world in the palm of your hand is possible with the compact R6 Whether you are listening to a shortwave station, the local airport approach or ground communications, or simply scanning the various frequency ranges, the R6 offers the most frequency coverage for under 200. You can tag memory channels into dynamic banks, ranging from Max. The power of listening to the world in the palm of your hand is possible with the compact R6! Whether you are listening to a shortwave station, the local airport approach or ground communications, or simply scanning the various frequency ranges, the R6 offers the most frequency coverage for under $200. The IC-R20 is Icom¡¯s fastest receiver with 100 channels per second scanning speed. So even if you don't intend to use say a digital or trunking scanner, if it has the speed and band coverage you need, you can ignore what you don't want to use - it might be a better overall choice than the R20.Icom IC-R6 Sport (Blue) Wideband Signal "Search Machine" (Cellular Blocked) I sit on freqs with the R20 or R6, but use a much faster scanner for actually scanning. Of course there is a middle ground of scan speed that one would have to decide upon for themselves. I would actually recommend something a LOT faster than the R20, even if it doesn't have the same good receiver specs, to be able to nab those quick transmissions. However, if you are scanning a large amount of set frequencies, you can easily miss transmissions.
Install 2 R6(AA) size Ni-Cd, Ni-MH or alkaline cell batteries. 200 auto write and 50 scan edge channels are included.

The IC-R5 COM-MUNICATIONS RECEIVER is designed and built with Icom’s supe. If you are into airband coverage, either VHF or UHF milair it does great if you like to sit on a specific freq. Thank you for purchasing this Icom product. It really is all a balancing act of trying to decide what compromises one is willing to make for extremely broad coverage, and overall usability in a small package. If you have to have HF in your hand, the R20 does well. For HF use, like the R5/R6, I feel it is a niche product. Of course it benefits from a real antenna, although unlike most other receivers, you have BOTH RF-Gain, and overall Attenuation at your disposal in case of overload. But for extensive HF usage, you'll be wearing out the keypad and/or knob quickly, so that can become tiresome. HF is good and stable, and can be very fine-tuned. Dual-watch is handy and preferable to "priority" scanning sometimes.

Obviously analog only with no trunking, and for some it takes a bit getting used to the programming.

Click to expand.Definitely a receiver first, with some scanning capability.